1. 自愿退票:
- 時間條件:通常要在航班起飛前一定時間提出退票申請。具體的時間限制因航空公司、機票價格類型而異。比如有的航空公司規定,全價機票在航班起飛前 24 小時以上申請退票,可享受較為寬松的退票政策;而折扣機票可能要求在起飛前 48 小時、72 小時等更早的時間提出退票申請,否則退票手續費會很高甚至不允許退票。
- 機票狀態:機票必須處于未使用狀態。如果已經辦理了值機手續或者部分使用了機票(例如已經乘坐了其中一段航程),則可能無法辦理自愿退票,或者只能退還部分未使用航段的費用。
- 證件信息:購票時所使用的乘客證件信息需與申請退票時提供的信息一致,以便平臺核實乘客身份。
2. 非自愿退票:
- 航班變動:因航空公司原因導致航班取消、延誤、航線變更等情況,旅客可以申請非自愿退票。例如,航班取消信息需由航空公司官方發布或在線旅游平臺接到航空公司的通知,旅客憑此作為申請非自愿退票的依據。
- 不可抗力因素:如自然災害(地震、洪水、臺風等)、戰爭、恐怖活動、公共衛生事件等不可抗力因素影響出行,導致旅客無法按原計劃乘坐航班,也符合非自愿退票的條件。旅客需要提供相關的證明材料,如新聞報道、政府公告等,以便在線旅游平臺審核。
3. 因病退票:
- 醫療證明:旅客本人或其直系親屬突發疾病,無法乘坐航班,需要提供正規醫院出具的醫療診斷證明、病歷、病假條等相關醫療文件。醫療證明上應明確患者的病情、就診時間、預計康復時間等信息,且這些信息要與航班時間相符合,能夠證明疾病確實影響了旅客的出行。
- 關系證明:如果是旅客直系親屬患病,除了患者的醫療證明外,還需提供能證明旅客與患病親屬關系的文件,如戶口本、結婚證、出生證明等。
4. 特殊旅客退票:
- 特殊旅客類型:特殊旅客包括無人陪伴兒童、孕婦、殘疾人等。對于無人陪伴兒童,如果因特殊情況無法按計劃出行,需要提供兒童監護人的書面申請、身份證明等材料;孕婦旅客可能需要提供醫生的診斷證明,說明孕婦的身體狀況不適合乘坐航班;殘疾人旅客則需根據具體情況提供相關的殘疾證明或醫療建議等。
- 提前申請:特殊旅客的退票申請通常需要提前一定時間向在線旅游平臺提出,以便平臺協調相關服務和手續辦理。具體的提前時間要求因在線旅游平臺和航空公司的規定而異。
Hey, dear friends! When traveling, we sometimes encounter situations where we need to cancel our tickets., I will discuss the relevant matters of ticket cancellation with you, so you won't be confused when faced with such needs.
1. Voluntary Cancellation: Time Conditions: Usually, you need to apply for cancellation a certain amount of time before the flight takes off. The specific time limit varies depending on the airline and type of ticket. For example, some airlines stipulate that full-price tickets can be canceled up to 24 hours before the flight with a more relaxed cancellation; while discount tickets may require cancellation applications to be made 48 hours, 72 hours, or even earlier before the flight, otherwise, the cancellation will be very high or not allowed. - Ticket Status: The ticket must be in an unused state. If you have already checked in or partially used the ticketfor example, you have already taken one segment of the flight), you may not be able to apply for voluntary cancellation, or you can only get a refund for unused segments. - ID Information: The passenger's ID information used for purchasing the ticket must match the information provided for the cancellation application, so the platform can verify passenger's identity. You will need to bear part or all of the cancellation fees according to the airline's cancellation policy.
2. Involuntary Cancellation: Flight Changes: If the flight is canceled, delayed, or the route is changed due to the airline's reasons, passengers can apply for involuntary cancellation. For example if the flight is canceled, the information must be officially released by the airline or the online travel platform receives notification from the airline, which passengers can use as a for applying for involuntary cancellation. - Force Majeure: If travel is affected by force majeure factors such as natural disasters (earthquakes, floods typhoons, etc.), war, terrorist activities, or public health events, making it impossible for passengers to travel as planned, they can also apply for involuntary. Passengers need to provide related proof materials, such as news reports or government announcements, for the online travel platform to review. Passengers do not need to the cancellation fees for involuntary cancellations.
3. Cancellation Due to Illness: - Medical Certificate: If the passenger or their immediate family member falls ill suddenly cannot take the flight, they need to provide a medical diagnosis certificate, medical record, sick leave note, and other related medical documents from a regular hospital. The certificate should clearly state the patient's condition, treatment time, and expected recovery time, and these times should correspond to the flight time, proving that the illness indeed the passenger's travel. - Relationship Proof: If it is the passenger's immediate family member who is ill, in addition to the patient's medical certificate, you need to provide documents that prove the relationship between the passenger and the ill family member, such as a household registration book, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc
4. Ticket Refunds for Special Passengers: - Types of Special Passengers: Special passengers include unaccompanied children, pregnant women and disabled individuals. For unaccompanied children, if they are unable to travel as planned due to special circumstances, a written application from the child's guardian, with identification documents, must be provided; pregnant passengers may need to provide a medical diagnosis from a doctor indicating that their health condition makes them unsuitable for air travel disabled passengers need to provide relevant disability certificates or medical recommendations based on their specific situation. - Advance Application: Ticket refund applications for special passengers usually need to be submitted advance to the online travel platform to facilitate the coordination of related services and procedures. The specific advance time requirement varies depending on the regulations of the online travel platform the airline.