要知道,飛機上可以帶幾個孩子是有限定的,通常一個成人最多可以同時帶2名兒童(2-12周歲)或1名兒童和1名嬰兒(14天-2周歲)乘機,坐飛機帶三個孩子也是可以的,但需要給其中一個孩子(5周歲-12周歲)辦理無成人陪伴兒童機票,剩下2個孩子和成人機票綁定購買,在網上訂購的時候要勾選“攜帶嬰兒/兒童”選項。而無陪伴兒童機票則需要聯系人工客服來辦理。 給孩子買機票要注意哪些
3、不同航空公司對兒童機票的政策有所不同,家長需提前了解相關規定,以免產生額外費用。 以上就是一個大人能帶三個孩子坐飛機嗎,給孩子買機票要注意哪些,盡量選擇靠窗或者靠近走廊的座位,這樣照顧孩子會更方便一些。
Parents with children at home, every time you think about taking your kids on a flight, you might feel rushed andful. So, what are the things to keep in mind when buying tickets for children?
Can one adult take three children on a flight?
It's important to that there are limits to the number of children you can take on a flight. Usually, one adult can take up to 2 children (ages 2-2) or 1 child and 1 infant (ages 14 days-2 years) on a flight. It is possible to take three children on a, but you need to book an unaccompanied minor ticket for one of the children (ages 5-12), while the other two children can be on the same ticket as the adult. When booking online, make sure to select the "Traveling with Infants/Children" option. For the unaccom minor ticket, you need to contact customer service. What to keep in mind when buying tickets for children?
1. There are three types of tickets for minors: . Infant ticket: Ages 0-2 3. Children's ticket: Ages 2-12 4. Adult ticket: Ages 12 above Knowledge about flying with children
1. The child's age is determined by the flight departure time. If the child is under 2 years old when, but turns 2 by the flight departure date, a children's ticket must be purchased. If the child is under 12 years old when booking, but turns 12 by the flight departure date, an adult ticket must be purchased.
2. When traveling with children, make sure to have valid identification documents such as household registration book, ID card, or passport, to avoid issues with check-in.
3. Different airlines have different policies for children's tickets, so parents need understand these policies in advance to avoid additional costs. It's also advisable to choose seats near the window or aisle for easier child care